
I’ve missed blogging. Although I often worry I’m coming across as overly preachy about mental health issues, I’ve missed the cathartic relief that getting all of my emotions down on paper gives me. It feels like untangling a ball of wool, or the thirteen necklaces I throw in the same jewellery box.

Breaking the Silence: Why I haven’t been writing.

Fortune & Cupcakes has been very quiet for a long time now. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it, and as I read more and more blogs I realise that I lack the time, resource and skills to make my little blog anything amazing. However, I thought about why I created the…

A Little Like Love

It is 23:49 and I am awake. I am crying, again, as stabbing pains hit my chest and I try to keep quiet so as not to alert my flatmate. Today has been a rare day, where I had nothing I had to do, or nothing planned. I slept until I felt I was awake,…


I never thought I suffered from panic attacks. Whenever I imagined panic attacks I would think about hysterical people hyperventilating into paper bags, and I certainly hadn’t done that. The week before last I had seven panic attacks. So, yes I do suffer from them. Usually I would suffer about seven in a month, so…


Fortune & Cupcakes has been very quiet over the past few months. This hasn’t been due to lack of ideas and inspiration, but actually the opposite- I’ve been through so much it has taken me so long to process and recover from an exceptionally busy period in my life. I think it would be easier…

My Five Small Steps in Maintaining Good Mental Health

You don’t have to have depression, anxiety, BPD, PTSD or any other diagnosis to practice good mental health. In today’s world, full of its unique pressures, self care and looking after ourselves is important. Having an awareness of our mental health is crucially important to its upkeep. Many of you may do this without thinking,…